21-Day Program:
Let Go Of Regrets

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Regret can weigh on you heavily, blame can make your life miserable, shame can cripple you, and guilt can poison your everyday experience. If you're bogged down by something that happened in the past you wish you could let go of, do over again, or make peace with, it is possible. It does not have to take long to heal a situation that occurred in the past that still holds your awareness captive so that you can move on in your life in a good way.

I can help you revisit the experience with an inner stance of neutrality and higher consciousness so that you can make peace with what happened. You can then leave behind any of the sorrow and pain you are still carrying with you today. I learned this way of working when in the mid 1990s I began to study Family Constellation Work. Thanks to this truly revolutionary healing method I realized there exists more to human beings than the physical body. I learned we actually have a soul. Years later, I underwent a four-year spiritual awakening process and discovered that in addition to the physical body and the soul, people also possess a spiritual aspect as part of their complete human architecture.

If you are interested to find out more, my visual unbook #1 GO AFTER TRUE FREEDOM: Life Without Suffering Is Possible will provide you with detailed information. You can read for free the INTRODUCTION and PART 1: Three Kinds of Knowing by clicking here.

Please find below the details of how I'll assist you with my 21-Day Let Go Of Regrets Quick Release Program, what it entails, and what you can expect. The fee is US $650.


Program Details

Here is what's included:

Week ONE (Day 1-7)

1. After you pay the program fee, I'll send you a Questionnaire to fill out. In this form you will specify information I will need so I can facilitate a proper healing movement for you. For instance, I'll ask you what the situation is that you've been unable to heal or let go of, the persons that are involved, how old you were, etc.

2. Once I receive your filled-out Questionnaire I will take two to three days to review it. I will meditate on what you wrote so I'll get an intuitive understanding of the dynamics involved.

3. I will send you instructions to perform what I call a candle ceremony, which I specifically design for your particular situation. I will ask you to do this candle ceremony for at least three days once a day for about ten to fifteen minutes. This candle ceremony will help you generate a link on a spiritual and soul level with the person(s) involved so that we'll be able to engage in our release work more easily.

4. During this first week, I'll be in contact with you via email in case I require clarification on what you wrote and/or if I need any additional information. We might go back and forth via email quite a bit before we meet for our video call to make sure I have all the information I need to lead you through a successful healing and reconciliation process. Our back-and-forth correspondence will already be helpful to you and might already generate new insights and understandings in you.


Week TWO (Day 8)

At the beginning of the second week, we'll have our 90 - 120 minute video call quick release session. To begin, we'll briefly will go over the things you wrote in your Questionnaire and talk about any concerns or questions you may have. Once you are ready to start, I'll lead you through a process I developed, which I call Inner Constellations where you'll be able to heal your regret so that you'll be free of it. I will explain the Inner Constellation process to you to make sure you understand clearly what we'll be doing so that you will feel safe and comfortable. To read up on what an Inner Constellation entails, please click here.


Week TWO and THREE (Day 8-21)

After our video call session, during Week two and three we'll remain in email contact as needed so you have support and guidance in integrating the healing movement that was started during our call. You can email me every day if needed in case you have questions, want help with understanding something, want support, or confirmation that what you're going through after our video call is normal and part of the healing process. Additional emotional releases might needs to be expressed, you might remember something you had forgotten to mention during our call on which you might want my input, or you might simply want to know someone is standing 100% by your side in your healing journey. I'll be there for you the entire 21 days, which will be enough time for you to move through the process of healing your regret.

I set up my quick release programs and fee structure in such a way that you'll have access to me everyday, at anytime, as you need it, for 21 days. This is a service I do not know anyone offering in the therapeutic/healing market place.


Does my 21-Day Quick Release really work?

Yes! The results of my work are multi-fold. Please browse through my client testimonials by clicking here.

What results can you expect?

You can expect to:

• feel like a huge burden has lifted from you
• feel calm and peaceful inside
• feel okay with moving on in your life
• have a sense that life has good things in store for you
• be hopeful and joyous again
• feel strengthened by the whole experience

How quickly will you experience these results?

Some or possibly all of these results will most likely be present in you by the 21st day. However, changes, openings and releases will continue for several weeks or months afterwards and appear on their own in an effortless and organic way. You can expect that over time an internal freedom in regards to the letting-go and having moved on in your life will establish itself.

What is the fee?

The fee for the 21-Day Quick Release Program is US $650.

Are you ready to get started?

If yes, please use the Contact Form using the button below and briefly let me know how you are struggling and what outcome you're seeking from working with me. As soon as I receive your email and I have made certain that I can help you, I'll send you a payment link to purchase the 21-Day Quick Release Program. After I receive your payment, I will email you the Questionnaire. Once I receive the filled-out Questionnaire back from you, our 21 days together begin. Thank you for your interest! If you have any questions, feel free to write to me using the Contact Form. Thank you!


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